The Cranky Old Bastards Podcast 3 – The World is Full of Idiots

WTF is all this crap and this Casiey case why the US news devotes so much time to this crap and ignores the real issues of their country.. man the excrement from the media is SO deep its a wonder the don’t choke on the crap coming out of thier mouths. Asshole lawyers is also on the topic list for this podcast The fucking lack of any kind of courtesy on the roads in the US So this week I want to discuss our Veterans, these dedicated people have put their lives on the line in service of their country, in itself that is worthy enough of our respect but some of these poor people come back to their country with physical and mental wounds that will change their lives forever. We are starting to see some of our vets coming home missing arms or legs and we may … [Read more...]

The Cranky Old Bastards Podcast 2 – It’s Still a fucking Shame

So this Podcast we talk about Parking tickets, Postal strikes, and Cop Killers, little fucking 15 year old cop killers that need to be tried as adults and then get gang raped in prison. I bet his parents are so proud of him now, fuck I bet his parents are now living in fear from their neighbours. Why do I hope wish this on the parents? EASY, if they had actually paid attention to their fucking brat and maybe spanked him the odd time he would have learnt right from wrong. My kids have and will learn to show respect for the Law Enforcement community, not to mention showing respect for their elders, Next podcast we will be talking about how our vets are being screwed over by VA and the Federal government. It is worse then you think. This way you will get to know … [Read more...]

The Cranky Old Bastards inaugural Podcast – It’s a fucking Shame

That the act of so few people has given a bad name to the greatest Country in the world. Wednesday we witnessed the acts of a few hooligans who decided that they were going  to start rioting after Game Seven of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. It was noticed that the anarchist group the Belaclavas was the main instigators last night. These are the same assholes that show up at all major events around the world. G8 in TO and Seattle, riots in England, Spain, Germany, NY and Wash. to name a few. But the blame is not only with them. The City of Vancouver needs to take some of the responsibility. They were not fucking prepared for what they should have known was going to happen. They saw it in 94 and they were unprepared then also. It is time for the NHL to step up and … [Read more...]