The Power of the pussy and why I like WHORES

I know I have said this before but the majority of power in the world is held by women. In the hopes of getting his dick into that slit between your legs, some guys will be willing to do anything.  Including Murder

As today’s title says I like whores. With a whore you know what getting laid is going to cost you from the outset. It is the perfect relationship. You both know that her pussy is a commodity you negotiate a fair price for that commodity, exchange money, and get down to business. She is happy because she has the money to buy the shit that she wants and you are happy because, well let’s face it you just got laid. And whores don’t care how fast the car you have is. They don’t give a fuck if you afford to take them to the places they want to go to. You don’t have to buy whores presents and they don’t hang around after the job is done in hopes of getting more shit from you.

We all know there are twats out there that will try to get as much from a guy as they can with out giving the guy what he wants. Face it as men we have three basic thoughts, Eat, sleep and get laid. Everything we do revolves around those three things and we only do two of those in order to get the third one. A mans basic primary instinct is to get laid. No matter if produces offspring. Fuck it don’t even matter if the guy is Gay or Straight, the base instinct is still the same.

Now I know women out there will say “I’m not like that”  BULLSHIT!!! Your basic instinct is to find the best mate possible so he can provide for you and the offspring you may produce, though not necessarily with that male. So that means he has to be able to PAY for what you want and buy you shit, which means he has to PAY to get laid. I accept that fact and I am fine with it. What has me pissed are these bitches that seem to think their cunt is the most amazing hole any guy will ever find and because  of that fact every guy has got to pay for every little thing.

Life would be so much easier if these sluts would be honest and just say fuck it and become whores. I think whores are mis-judged by today’s society. They provide such a valuable service to men. But because of the fact they make it harder for the conniving bitches in the world to screw with a guy and use him for what they want we have been taught that prostitution is wrong.

The Oxford English dictionary defines the word whore: noun derogatory a prostitute or promiscuous woman. I have to disagree here I think the word whore should be a badge of honour.

No man should be ashamed of being smart enough to use the services of these wonderful women. They work hard and they don’t judge the men they provide a service for. So for the guys out there the next time you feel the need to get laid and you don’t want the hassle of  spending you pay-check at the bars buying some tart drinks, only for her to go home with your best friend. Call up you local escort agency and order out for the night. For the women out there  remember that we know that you realize we only want one thing, but we can get the same thing quite easily and in the end, and a lot cheaper just by picking up the phone and your pussy is NOT ALL THAT!!!

Remember to Support Our Troops
Until Next Time
I remain

The Cranky Old Bastard


  1. Independent lady says

    You make a point, but there are some of us ladies out there who make our own money and don’t expect men to give us sh*t. I love that I’ve paid for just about everything (including my house) with my own money, and if I want something I’ll just go out and buy it instead of expecting some man to buy it for me. And, no, I’m not a lesbian, although I’d rather be one than be in a relationship that is nothing more than an exchange of goods for sex.

  2. The Cranky Old Boy says

    Well said, Brava, no if only the rest of you gender could be the same way.